Herbal Salve
Thieves Oil salve is an amazing blend of herbs proven to eliminate 99%
of airborne bacteria. This salve is great for boosting the immune
system to help in treating coughs, colds, sinus congestion, and asthma.
The Story Behind
Thieves Oil Blend
traders and merchants who imported spices from India,such as cinnamon
and clove were doing well in the late 14th century until the Black
Plague hit. All international shipping and trade was closed down due
to the illness. Unable to do business, and knowing no other industry,
these spice traders quickly ran out of money and, like everyone else,
found it hard to support themselves.
Death and fear spread quickly. The spice traders, knowing the medicinal properties of their merchandise, took advantage of the situation around them. As the Plague spread, entire villages were wiped out leaving valuable possessions behind. No one wanted to go near the dead bodies for fear of getting sick. No one, that is, except the spice traders turned thieves. They decided to loot the homes and bodies of the plaque victims. They would take clothes, jewelry, pots and pans, and then trade them for food and money.
their knowledge of their trade, they knew they wouldn't get sick if
they rubbed vinegar, oils, and certain spices all over their bodies.
This plan not only worked but they were, in a sense, making a profit of
the plague. Life was good again, until the King found out.
When the King heard about the plundering of these thieves, he wanted to stop them and find out how they were able to touch dead bodies without getting sick! How did they protect themselves from the dreaded Plague?
He sent his guards out to capture them. Some some of the guards didn't want to find them for fear of getting sick. After several months some of the thieves were caught and brought before the King. He gave them a choice to either share their secret formula of "immunity" or be burned at the stake. The four thieves decided to share their secret with the King. The King quickly posted this information throughout all his kingdom.
I have a customer who's daughter was suffering with asthma problems and a cold. She told here daughter to rub some of our Thieves Blend Salve on her chest. As she did she gasped, "Mom, almost instantly I could feel by lungs open up. I can breathe!"
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